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January 22, 2021

6 Facts You Need to Know About Shingles in Seniors

Shingles is a disease caused by the same virus as chickenpox. Shingles most often occur in people over the age of 50, and becomes more common the older you get. It can cause a painful rash, as well as a number of other complications that worsen as you age. Read on for all the information you need to better understand and manage shingles in seniors.
December 2, 2020

4 Reasons Seniors Should Keep Celebrating

One of the most influential factors in successful ageing is healthy social engagement. Special occasions provide the perfect opportunity to create a sense of belonging and joy for the elderly. Here’s why seniors should keep celebrating.
December 2, 2020

8 Myths About Diabetes Debunked

Diabetes is a common disease that is also quite complex. This has led people to have a number of misconceptions about the causes and risks associated with it. Read more to discover the full truth about diabetes in this insightful article.